Péčová, K., jr.
Dermatovenerologická klinika, Jesseniova lekárska fakulta v Martine, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave a Univerzitná nemocnica Martin
Autor sleduje index telesnej hmotnosti – BMI a tabakizmus u 106 pacientov s hidradenitis suppurativa (ďalej HS), rozdelených na štádiá Hurley I – 36, Hurley II – 30 a Hurley III – 40 pacientov. Z celkového počtu 106 pacientov s HS bolo obéznych až extrémne obéznych 51 (48,13 %), z nich 6 malo dokonca BMI nad 40,0. Fyziologické BMI malo 28 (26,4 %), nadváhu 27 (25,4 %), obezitu 28 (26,5 %) a extrémnu obezitu 23 (21,7 %) pacientov s HS, klasifikované bez ohľadu na jednotlivé štádiá ochorenia.
Z celkového počtu 106 pacientov s HS bolo 80 (75,5 %) fajčiarov, ktorí fajčili aspoň 10 rokov 20 a viac cigariet denne; z nich až 10 okrem toho, že boli silní fajčiari, pracovalo v reštauračnom zariadení nižšej cenovej skupiny, čo ešte zvyšovalo ich tabakizmus. Ostatní 26 (24,5 %) pacienti s HS boli nefajčiari, alebo fajčili maximálne do 10 cigariet denne ešte pred vznikom prvých prejavov HS.
Autor diskutuje o BMI a tabakizme, ako o možných faktoroch v patogenéze HS.
Kľúčové slová: hidradenitis suppurativa, index telesnej hmotnosti - BMI, tabakizmus
The author pursues the body mass index – BMI and smoking in 106 patients with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS further on) divided into these stages: Hurley I – 36 patients, Hurley II – 30 patients and Hurley III – 40 patients.
From the total number of 106 patients with HS, 51 (48.13 % ) persons were obese up to extremely obese, and the BMI of 6 of them was even over 40.0. The physiological BMI was found in 28 (26.4 %) cases, overweight in 27 (25.4 %) cases, obesity in 28 (26.5 %) patients with HS and extreme obesity in 23 (21.7 %) patients with HS; this classification did not take into consideration individual stages of the disease.
From the total number of 106 patients with HS, 80 (75.5 %) were smokers who smoked 20 cigarettes and more daily for at least 10 years; 10 of these people were not only heavy smokers but also worked in the restaurants having low price level, which stimulated their smoking even more. The other 26 (24.5 %) patients were mainly nonsmokers or smokers who smoked maximum up to 10 cigarettes daily a long time ago, before the commencement of the first manifestations of HS.
The author discusses the BMI and smoking as possible factors in the pathogenesis of HS.
Key words: hidradenitis suppurativa, body mass index – BMI, smoking
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